Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Well-Versed Poets: Information for You

Now that Jane has emailed the results of our selection process, we're receiving lots of email questions from our poets. We are going to try to answer those questions here, and we ask that if you have other questions, you attach them as comments to this blog post, so (1. we'll have one place to look for questions and (2. everyone can see the same answers.

First of all, the bio should be brief, no more than 70 words and in third person. You can include your prior publications or you can confess your idiosyncrasies!  It's your 70 words.

If your poem has been accepted, you are still free to submit it elsewhere. Please let us know if it is accepted elsewhere and we'll make a note in the book if possible.

We do not know yet when the book will be available, but we promise that you will know as soon as we do. In addition to working alone, we are spending lots of time on the phone and computer together to make sure we produce the best book we can. Fortunately, Jane and I like each other and enjoy this part of the process.

You should be able to post comments here and to see each other's comments too.  We will monitor daily so we won't leave your questions unanswered.

Now go write some more great poems!


  1. No doubt you are enjoying the partnership! :) May I ask how many poems you plan to include in the book?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
