Friends and poets, Jane and I want to give you an update on the anthology. As you know, what we have in mind is more than a simple anthology or collection of poems. Now that we have made our selections, we are working to organize the poems thematically and to put together the tools that would make this book suitable, useful, and enjoyable for book clubs who normally discuss novels.
Most of you know, too, that since I've moved to Nashville, much of our work is being conducted by phone. (Picture both of us with phones tucked between shoulder and ear as we are clicking away on our respective keyboards.)
We have every intention of making this the best possible publication. We want to get it ready for print as soon as we can, but we aren't willing to sacrifice our goals for the quality of the project.
Meanwhile, we hope you will keep writing great poems. We'd love to see this one become so successful that a second volume would be necessary.
Warmest regards,